
Run little bunny
Run run run
They are gonna hunt you
For fun fun fun
They will cut you legs
Just to own luck
And put you on fire
To turn into snack
Your life will be short
Filled with pain pain pain
If you succeed the run
They will hunt you again

But remember this
You little furry shit
We all loose at The End
Never ever regret!!!

Last run. Every run.

Take a look into the sky
One last time before you die.
Think of things you haven't done.
Feel warm touch of rising sun.
Bless all people you did knew.
Fuck all those who did scrued you.
And let go. Do not think twice.
Always run with the lions. Never with mice.

. . .

The majesty of the sea
This is purest poetry

Summer wind

Summer wind, my truthfully friend,
Hold my hand until the end.
No matter what, do not let go.
Sing for me. Whistle. Whisper and blow. 
This night will pass. All stars will fail.
Life is a prison. Time can be jail. 
But not tonight. In this balcony
Romeo will live forever with Julie. 

Pan Kotek

Pan Kotek był chory.
Leżał na poboczu.
Krew i lepka ropa
Wyciekały z oczu.

Kości połamane.
Poszarpana skóra.
A z nosa wystaje
Kawałek pazura.

Dziewięć żyć zleciało
Niczym oka mgnienie.
Pozostało tylko
Błotnika wgniecenie.

rainy tears

In the middle of the night
Me, my self and I
Looking on the other side
Arm to arm, eye to eye

Nothing here, nothing there
What had been has long time gone
Nothing for us anywhere
Is this time for Ktulu zone...

What if we'll be there alone
Every single piece of me
Whip my name from tombstone stone
Let it be Just let us be...

Listy i nieme słowa

Bez przyczyny, i bez skutku,
Pijąc drobne łyczki smutku
Z filiżanki do herbaty,
Czytam list od psychopaty.

O miłosci, strachu, stracie,
Żalu, bólu i... herbacie?
Dziwnie, lecz jednak pasuje.
Filiżanka wciąż paruje...

... para smutku otumania.
Gubię czas. Myśli. Zeznania.
Zwijam siebie w liść herbaty.
Niemy. Jak list psychopaty.